Breakfast with the Chief

This morning I went to a breakfast with the Chief of the US Forest Service, Gail Kimbell. She spoke about current issues facing the Forest Service, before opening up the floor to questions and comments. I was either the only student in attendance, or one of the only. I could see myself working for the Forest Service in the future, so it was, I think, beneficial of me to attend. Within 20 seconds of walking through the door, I was basically offered a job by a regional forester in Colorado. While I don't want to be a "forester", it was a nice gesture and I will keep his business card just in case. I was impressed that paying $30 for an hour-long breakfast and speech opened the door for networking in such a quick and efficient manner. SAF members seem to really enjoy the student counterpart of the organization; everyone that I have spoken to has been genuinely appreciative of my interest (for the future) in ecology and silviculture.

I took a couple of pictures at the breakfast, but my camera's lack of flash allows the pictures a 
slight fuzziness.

1 comment:

Eli Sagor said...

Right on Emma! Sounds like the breakfast was well worth the trip. Every SAF convention is packed with events liek this, and I'm glad you took advantage. Hope those job offers keep coming in...