My SAF Experience

I am very glad that my classmates and I were fortunate enough to attend the 2009 SAF national convention in Orlando, Florida. The location was great and it was interesting to see a forest that is so different from what we have here in Minnesota. I have only recently begun seeing forests from the viewpoint of a forester and I enjoy seeing different forest types with this new found perspective.
My favorite part of convention was the technical sessions. These presented a great opportunity to take in a vast amount of information in a short amount of time. At any given time there were several sessions that interested me, so there was never a dull moment. The aspect of these sessions that I found to be most beneficial was the fact that presenters came from all across the country. In attending technical sessions delivered by foresters from so many different regions I feel that I was able to learn about many different management styles. By taking in all of this information I already feel as though I have become a more well-rounded forester. I greatly appreciate the fact that I had the opportunity to attend the national convention. It was a great learning experience.

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